

řeh-sign III – Discussions and Workshops

The aim of the řeh-sign project is to explore the various possibilities of international cooperation of designers and to bring a design fair to the periphery. The organisers of the project invite designers (students, young and senior designers, architects) from different countries who would like to discuss the various questions concerning the design theory, theory and praxis, materials and techniques, design centre and periphery, future cooperation, etc.

řeh-sign is open for the designers and creative people from all design fields.

How to apply?

Please, send us the e-mail with your portfolio (or e-mail with the link to your website) on until October the 6th, 2014. Subject "Application/reh-sing". Each participant has to join at least two meetings (The first meeting is for the designers only (participation obligated) and the other two are public). The Rehlovice Culture Centre would provide accomodation and board. The participants should pay the travel costs and a fee 500 CZK.

řeh-sign programme:

1st meeting, October 17 - 19, 2014

During the first meeting the designers get to know each other and their work and discuss on various topics (marketing, fundrising, productivity vs. exclusiveness, generation problems, competitiveness, etc.). The aim is networking and to explore new strategies.

2nd meeting, November 7 – 9, 2014

During the second meeting the designers will get the chance to present their works to the public – to the visitors of the Culture brunch in Řehlovice Culture Centre

3rd meeting, since November 14 – 16, 2014

The Řehlovice village is situated in the region with the poor design background. One of the aims of řeh-sing is to explore the future possibilities for design events here. During the 3rd meeting (in the Advent time) the řeh-sing participants could meet the local people and local designers and make them acquaintance of their work and visions.

December 2014 - March 2015

The exhibition will be shown also on the pedagogic faculty of the J.E.Purkyně university in Ústí nad Labem and in the rooms of riesa efau in Dresden. At the opening will attend some of the artists too. řeh-sing is supported by: Deutsch-tschechischer Zukunftsfonds foundation, Goethe Institut Prague. The project is part of the 16th Days of Czech and German Culture.   Contact: Kulturzentrum Řehlovice Lenka Holíková Na statku 20 Obec Řehlovice 403 13 Řehlovice T: +420 775 233 318 E:      
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